i have thought about you a lot over the past month. there have been many things i have wanted to tell you but, you know, no one wants to read depressing emails all the time. this update is about the good things happening in my life. all sincere, promise!
01 i cut the boy off completely, like a heavy stone. you would be so proud of me. sure, he had be a complete bastard first before i saw the truth but it is over now and i feel free. i cannot tell you how good the last week and a half have been. all the hours and tears i wasted trying to win him back i have now channelled into, umm, colouring my eyebrows [big and black], lining up dinner dates, and general merry-making. all very productive things, i swear. ok maybe i lapsed today when i emailed him asking for my coat back, but come on, it is a viktor & rolf number. you would want it back too.

how strong are my 'brows? strong!
02 last week i was aching for a haircut but at 8 pm, who is open? only the local caribbean barber shop around the corner from where i live! you have to see these barber shops. there are young men just sitting around chit chatting inside, reggae or sometimes r 'n' b blaring, you can get corn rows or a shave, the place is usually decked out in faux wood panelling. nice. i gingerly walk in and stop just inside the door. the barber [shaving a customer's hair] cocks his eyebrow like "err what do you think i can do for you?" but waves me in with his free hand. i explain i want the short side shorter, he tells me he can make it happen. it was easily one of the best haircuts of my life and he only charged £8 when i usually pay £40. i did not even have to pay extra for the amazing conversation. douglas is a big man who shaves off afros. what do we have to say to each other? his phone rings and there is a woman's voice on the other end. i ask if that is his wife. he looks shocked "oh. no!" oops. we start talking about relationships and find we are both looking for the same thing, something meaningful. he tells me he had a bit of flavour a few months ago but she was costing him money. uh-huh. what does "flavour" mean? something easy, not serious. ahh! i would not mind some flavour right now. i thought i was going find it at the bar at ponystep [same organisers as boombox but not as awesome] when i started talking to this ridiculously good-looking young french boy who asked me if i was familiar with french kissing. umm, yes? he also asked me to buy him a drink which i refused but i did like his sass [and ass]. these french boys are just something else because when i later spied him on the dance floor he was making out with three different girls [not at once]. oh, to be young again. and a boy.
03 the e k pop-up shop opened last week. it is a sweet little shop and a fine representation of the e k world. you should come visit me if you are ever on this side of oxford street, i am in the shop five days a week. we have been casting models in the downstairs space [which doubles as a sample sale] for our london fashion week show on sunday. there i am, head resting in my hands daydreaming about a model girlfriend. i can totally see the appeal. who can say no to a yummy piece of arm candy? you always see photographs of these models reading backstage at shows, i mean, beautiful and literate!
04 i have so much respect for wakako, she is a creative force that does not stop.
05 i discovered two things today. did you know kanye west covered can's sing swan song and called it drunk and hot girls on his graduation album? i loathe that track but hearing the original, it is not completely misogynist. have you seen this? fashematics. oh my, it is so funny i thought i was going to have to change my pants. have you seen the september issue yet? it made me feel good about fashion again because sometimes i am embarrassed i work in such a fickle industry. have you seen the hurt locker? you should. it is very good [except for two very obvious scenes] and war is bad.
how are you?
02 last week i was aching for a haircut but at 8 pm, who is open? only the local caribbean barber shop around the corner from where i live! you have to see these barber shops. there are young men just sitting around chit chatting inside, reggae or sometimes r 'n' b blaring, you can get corn rows or a shave, the place is usually decked out in faux wood panelling. nice. i gingerly walk in and stop just inside the door. the barber [shaving a customer's hair] cocks his eyebrow like "err what do you think i can do for you?" but waves me in with his free hand. i explain i want the short side shorter, he tells me he can make it happen. it was easily one of the best haircuts of my life and he only charged £8 when i usually pay £40. i did not even have to pay extra for the amazing conversation. douglas is a big man who shaves off afros. what do we have to say to each other? his phone rings and there is a woman's voice on the other end. i ask if that is his wife. he looks shocked "oh. no!" oops. we start talking about relationships and find we are both looking for the same thing, something meaningful. he tells me he had a bit of flavour a few months ago but she was costing him money. uh-huh. what does "flavour" mean? something easy, not serious. ahh! i would not mind some flavour right now. i thought i was going find it at the bar at ponystep [same organisers as boombox but not as awesome] when i started talking to this ridiculously good-looking young french boy who asked me if i was familiar with french kissing. umm, yes? he also asked me to buy him a drink which i refused but i did like his sass [and ass]. these french boys are just something else because when i later spied him on the dance floor he was making out with three different girls [not at once]. oh, to be young again. and a boy.
03 the e k pop-up shop opened last week. it is a sweet little shop and a fine representation of the e k world. you should come visit me if you are ever on this side of oxford street, i am in the shop five days a week. we have been casting models in the downstairs space [which doubles as a sample sale] for our london fashion week show on sunday. there i am, head resting in my hands daydreaming about a model girlfriend. i can totally see the appeal. who can say no to a yummy piece of arm candy? you always see photographs of these models reading backstage at shows, i mean, beautiful and literate!
04 i have so much respect for wakako, she is a creative force that does not stop.
05 i discovered two things today. did you know kanye west covered can's sing swan song and called it drunk and hot girls on his graduation album? i loathe that track but hearing the original, it is not completely misogynist. have you seen this? fashematics. oh my, it is so funny i thought i was going to have to change my pants. have you seen the september issue yet? it made me feel good about fashion again because sometimes i am embarrassed i work in such a fickle industry. have you seen the hurt locker? you should. it is very good [except for two very obvious scenes] and war is bad.
how are you?
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