it has been a bit quiet on the east london front. i work monday to friday, come home, eat, read my book, sleep. on saturday and sunday i scour the markets for treasure. amelia groom stayed with me last weekend, my first visitor from home. we had an amazing market day on sunday. we wondered down a side street off brick lane and stumbled on an open warehouse that looked a bit rough.
we ventured inside and found a great stall that sold 1950s 3d porn magazines [complete with 3d glasses] and charles and diana commemorative mugs. gold!
back on the street i found a mirror with a very kind message [great for the mornings].

we went to a little tea house called a time for tea. it is all wooden and dark inside with dance hall records playing and bric-a-brac for sale. it looks like a tea house from post-war london times.
after a luxe session of sipping and eating, we had another flea sale rummage down the street at the george and dragon. the bar is dank and musty with hand-written letters, buttons, and clothes strewn all over the floor and little round tables stacked high with knic knacs. the place looked like it had just been robbed. i think if i ever settle again in sydney i want to run a place that is a flea market, bingo hall, disco, tea house, and life drawing class all rolled into one.
in the corner of the pub were two small boys, joe and duke, with their own stall. amongst the mess were six glass animal figurines. one of the boys announced they were £60 for the lot or £1 each, also some of the things on the table were free. oh those boys are shrewd businessmen!
i am still in love with work. sometimes i feel i am a bit quiet and they might think i am boring. oh slowly slowly! this week i sent off all the patterns to the grader and now i am organising a sample sale for the end of the month. aki is letting me organise it all by myself. do you know what that means? i am the first to go through the eley kishimoto archive and excess stock. oh die! heaven! but i am being restrained and sensible, setting myself a spending limit because i just blew my first london pay on a bernhard willhelm dress. so naughty! i have to live poor for the rest of the month now.
my very exciting news for today, though it may bore you to tears, is that i bought an emerald green woolen beanie that has a turban knot in the front for £4.50 that looks exactly like a balenciaga one i have been contemplating buying for £115. i found it in a vintage shop. bargain central!
now just a quick word on music. at work we listen to commercial radio, it is very repetitive. i know all the words to the hits of beyonce and rihanna. karaoke, watch out! but what i am really loving is old broken social scene [especially gang bang suicide] and new port o brien [who are currently calling themselves port obama and are touring sydney in december and you should go see them]. hackney central library is a strange place. the person who buys their music must be a real indie kid because there are lots of cds there i would not expect to find in a local library, like cocorosie, bright eyes, broken social scene. it is goldmine! but i went there today looking for the diary of anne frank and two librarians did not know what it was or how to find it on the database [which made me really sad] and one person waved me to children's non-fiction. i could not find it there either. sigh. i am seeing lykke li play on 28th november. wheee!
ok just one more funny story. i need to have a dance so bad! amelia needs a dance too. someone help her! we were at a second-hand warehouse called beyond retro and they were playing some dirty hip hop song and we were both trying very hard to keep the dance moves contained. we looked at each other and giggled knowingly. i went there today and tried very hard not to start dancing between the rails of clothes but a toe tap and some shoulder managed to escape. where is good to dance here? i look on timeout and there is nothing! i follow djs home and there is nothing! help.
lots of love
i am still in love with work. sometimes i feel i am a bit quiet and they might think i am boring. oh slowly slowly! this week i sent off all the patterns to the grader and now i am organising a sample sale for the end of the month. aki is letting me organise it all by myself. do you know what that means? i am the first to go through the eley kishimoto archive and excess stock. oh die! heaven! but i am being restrained and sensible, setting myself a spending limit because i just blew my first london pay on a bernhard willhelm dress. so naughty! i have to live poor for the rest of the month now.
my very exciting news for today, though it may bore you to tears, is that i bought an emerald green woolen beanie that has a turban knot in the front for £4.50 that looks exactly like a balenciaga one i have been contemplating buying for £115. i found it in a vintage shop. bargain central!
now just a quick word on music. at work we listen to commercial radio, it is very repetitive. i know all the words to the hits of beyonce and rihanna. karaoke, watch out! but what i am really loving is old broken social scene [especially gang bang suicide] and new port o brien [who are currently calling themselves port obama and are touring sydney in december and you should go see them]. hackney central library is a strange place. the person who buys their music must be a real indie kid because there are lots of cds there i would not expect to find in a local library, like cocorosie, bright eyes, broken social scene. it is goldmine! but i went there today looking for the diary of anne frank and two librarians did not know what it was or how to find it on the database [which made me really sad] and one person waved me to children's non-fiction. i could not find it there either. sigh. i am seeing lykke li play on 28th november. wheee!
ok just one more funny story. i need to have a dance so bad! amelia needs a dance too. someone help her! we were at a second-hand warehouse called beyond retro and they were playing some dirty hip hop song and we were both trying very hard to keep the dance moves contained. we looked at each other and giggled knowingly. i went there today and tried very hard not to start dancing between the rails of clothes but a toe tap and some shoulder managed to escape. where is good to dance here? i look on timeout and there is nothing! i follow djs home and there is nothing! help.
lots of love
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