how are you? i am well. i had the best day yesterday. i called in sick at tatty devine and did cultural things instead. i had lunch at borough market with my friend, pete. it is a fresh organic fruit/ vegetable/ food market. i had a haloumi pattie on a bed of three salads. yum! for dessert was a slice of toffee and pecan cheesecake. die! then we went to the british film institute to see the all-seeing eye [a visual art work by michel gondry and pierre bismuth based on the concept of memory and memory loss]. i wanted more than a room with a video projection, good thing it was free. then i made a very big mistake and went to b store to see/ touch/ fawn over the new bernhard willhelm autumn winter range. i tried on a dress, looked at the price and started stamping my imaginary feet again. oh so unfair! i completely bored poor pete's ear off about it on the way home calculating how i would have to not pay rent or eat for a month to afford it. i think i am allowed one 'it' dress per season. oh london, why so mean! but everything was better again because we went to the winter entertainments club in bethnal green and played bingo, conkers [a game where two people try to break each other's nuts and whoever does it first wins. hehe haha! you people are so rude!] and we all vied for a raffle prize. i went home with a book on classic craft. london is very much into the wholesome night out, not like sydney where everyone has to be drunk all the time.

the venue! the people! the place looks like a church hall from the outside but a den of gambling and bingo inside.

these were the raffle prizes. the young gentleman is joseph and he djs.
umm, what else? oh yes. are you ready for it? are you are you? i got the job! yes i did! you are looking at eley kishimoto's new production assistant! yay! hurruh! high five! i know it is only production work but it means so much more than that [like i can keep paying rent, eat, buy that bernhard willhelm dress just kidding]. it is a foot, even a whole leg in the door! you know that means they like me enough to possibly sponsor me. can you believe it? i rolled around on the floor crying after i read the email. now i am going to run around the park, kick piles of autumn leaves, and chase squirrels. people will think i am crazy but really i am so happy! i am going to hand in my notice at liberty too. yay!
ok now to the photos.

this building is across the road from liberty. i looked up at it and thought it looked like a giant christmas bauble but in the shape of a building.

there are news and magazine stands like this one littered through town. i love the organised mess of it. you always see these in the movies. i know for sure i am in the big smoke now.
save your dollars and come visit me! i am stuck here a year now!
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