how are you? i am well. there is little to tell, maybe a few things.
i have a feeling i will be leaving london at the end of the year. it makes me so sad. i think i will apply for a working holiday visa for france and intern with bernhard willhelm [fingers crossed] before coming back. i made the mistake of going to b store to fawn over the new b w and i suffered another episode of imaginary feet stamping. i cannot think of anyone i want to work for when i come home. the plan was always to start a label when i return, maybe i will have run out of excuses by then?
i am so over wearing a coat every time i step out. the day i do not have to wear stockings will be a good day. winter, go away! you know how i used to laugh at english people getting excited by the mere hint of sun? well i have become the person i used to laugh at. when the sun delights us with her face, it is very hard not to get giddy. it has been warm [i admit i have lowered my standards] for the past three weeks and i feel my blood has been infused with sun. i still wear stockings but ditch the coat some nights. sometimes i cannot bare to sit at home, i have to be out enjoying my friends and the warm weather. i have not been home much. it is funny how the sun can affect people. we have all turned into whatever the opposite of a werewolf is.
i have been having a ridiculously romantic time with the boy. he bandies the word happy around like it is not a big deal. he will turn to me and say "i am happy. are you?" and i just look at him weird because i think happy is a big word. but you know what? i am happy. it is scary to allow myself to be this happy. it is not just because of rodrigo, i am in love with everything i have right now. so, the boy. i will limit my gushing to this one paragraph. he has very quickly worked out how to push my buttons. one, he winks at me. two, he calls me "o". three, he is not afraid to talk us through our awkward moments. four, he is so well-dressed it melts my knees. i usually do not care about what my squeeze is wearing but it is such a pleasure to be out with someone who can match me [not on a his-and-hers-matching-outfits level, more on a we-both-look-good level].
i wore my stick-on black thick eyebrows out on friday night to the double club and he liked them. sigh. last week he gave me a recommended listening list and i provided him with a recommended reading list. oh nerd-tastic. we have a sunday routine where we wake up late, have a lazy lie-in, then go to breakfast at this kitchen down the street. we order the same thing [eggs with sage for me, eggs and ham for him] every time, hold hands and make eyes across the wooden table. i feel so sorry for whoever is sharing our table, we must make people sick.
last night jonathon, cat [his housemate], ben [her friend], rodrigo, and i ended up at the joiner's arms [a gay bar near where we live].

jonathon [who recently broke up with his boyfriend] spies an eye candy boy and he starts the chase. by this stage cat and i are very messy, dancing up a storm, and unashamedly talking to random strangers. we are both excited j is on the pull and in our combined efforts to help him make a conquest he gets annoyed and tells us if we do not leave him alone, this boy will think he is straight. oh pout.

jonathon [who recently broke up with his boyfriend] spies an eye candy boy and he starts the chase. by this stage cat and i are very messy, dancing up a storm, and unashamedly talking to random strangers. we are both excited j is on the pull and in our combined efforts to help him make a conquest he gets annoyed and tells us if we do not leave him alone, this boy will think he is straight. oh pout.
rodrigo steps in, one arm around the each of us, he ushers us a few steps away and distracts us with a dance. last night i wore a richard nicoll stripy shirt dress i bought at a sample sale with a white blazer, r wore a black jacket, black tux shirt, and black skinny jeans. die! can you imagine rodrigo, all debonair, with a girl on each arm trying to keep us away from jonathon who is making eyes with a boy? r starts to look desperate and tells j he needs to use the bathroom, he is not sure how much longer he can keep us at bay. oh die! needless to say, jonathon took a boy home last night.